Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, Miley said so!

Really, I try not to mock fashion trends and/idols of the tween set. And, I'm not so sure you can really call this mocking, but if Miley Cyrus tells her fans to save the environment...will the global warming issue immediately be squashed? Will all the ten year old girls in America be able to stop the green house gases and waste that are building in the USA? really just have to watch the video. It'll crack you up. It cracked me up. And, seriously, if it does remind someone to work a little harder, or just to make one change in their life, it's worth it...silliness and all.

Here's the link:

My fav's from her suggestions: unplug your cell phone as soon as it is fully charged; plant a tree (because it, um, what's that called....carbon dioxide?); share your magazines with your friends; and, shop online.

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